Monday 20 September 2010

New writing I'm working on!

Cover of "Magic Study (Study, Book 2)"Cover of Magic Study (Study, Book 2)

I haven't blogged for a while, haven't really got a handle on balancing everything I do yet! I seem to go in fits and spurts on one thing and then on something else. I am however, doing well with my new peice of writing. I am writing it as a novel. I am typing it straight onto the computer which is a new thing for me and it seems to be working. The flow seems to be coming naturally like it does in longhand so that is good. I have resisted all rereading or tweeking at this point. I feel, I just need to get it done.I can edit and re-edit, and re-edit again thereafter!
I have implemented a three hour goal per week for my writing. This means that whatever happens, I have a minimum baseline that is achievable on a weekly basis. It also means that I can spend more time on my novel writing if I am able. This is working for me which is great. This is particularly good as I am starting to allot time to work on poems and short stories for competitions and possible submissions. These are separate from my novel writing so I am hoping to carve specific time slots for this as well.

I also want to work on my poetry more, which includes reading more poetry. I am amazed at the wealth of poetry out there! I am sending off my subscribtion for MsLexia at the end of the month!It is packed with brilliant information, supports women writers and is a great help to new writers like myself!

I have always from it impossible to carve out art time. I find the only way I can do this is to go with the flow when it comes upon me. When I have an urge to paint, it usually lasts for about a couple of days or sometimes even a week. If I am unable to do anything with it because of other deadlines or work it dissipates into the thin air that it came from. I have tried on many occasions to force myself to paint or draw or create something when these urges are not present but it comes out second rate or even worse, like I can't even draw at all! If however, I go with the flow and let myself run with an artistic flow it can last upto the painting of one picture, or the creating of one thing or it might go on and on so that I can produce several items/creations/paintings in one long inspirational period. When it dries up, it is very strange, like the door closes, I do pine for it but no matter what I do it doesn't open. I have found this to have gotten far worse in the past 4 years. It disappeared nearly entirely for a period of three years! This was the longest time I have ever had in my life without any ability to produce something artistic. It was very strange too and I grieved it as if it would never return. I thought perhaps I had burnout and yet some of what I was working on spiritually should have actually produced more inspiration. However, this year it has begun to return, it is frustratingly slow and only lasts for a couple of days or a week at most. Still it is returning which I am really glad about.

I am reading Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder at the minute.

I loved her trilogy about Yelena, Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire study. I am also re-reading The Celtic Shaman by John Matthews.

I also read The Fly by Kathrine Mansfield yesterday. It would be great to write a short story so brilliantly!
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