This may sound a very self absorbed title and I cannot promise to write as a diary every day but I want to monitor certain behaviours. So to give a bit of background: I am going back to work full time for the first time in five years and am more than a little nervous. Not about the work itself but because of all the other things I do, I don't quite know how I will juggle it all. Anyway, it is a must for my self esteem as well as my registration and money.
I have been writing and reading prolifically up until we moved and with all the stress and then the muddle I haven't done any. I have restarted acting in Happy as a Sandbag which is great. I haven't done any acting or performing of any kind since Christopher died. I have also just completed a archery course which I love. I haven't been able to go to the club yet because of rehearsals and I really miss it. I hope to get to the club next Tuesday. I also go to circle for mediumship but again I haven't been able to go for several weeks. I am also a tree surveyor only recently and I am a druid with an insatiable thirst for more and more information about brythonic languages, mythology, saxon and celtic history and much more. I also do, as a druid, shamanic work, herbal preparations and I grow and harvest my herbs, as well as doing healing. I also have an allotment which I also love. I miss doing creative stuff and I need to finish sorting out my study so that I can paint and write again. I also want to use my singing voice more. Sound manic? Thats without all the usual demands of life including dogs, cats and the house etc. My poor long suffering partner must despair of me! Anyway, I will be monitoring how I manage my time with it all. One great thing is that I don't watch television except neighbours so I probably have more hours in the evening than others. I hope this will not read too boringly when I get going!
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